Rotavating: The Best Way to Clear Your Plot
Have you just taken on an unloved allotment? Do you want to grow vegetables in a neglected corner of your garden? If you’re hoping to create a fertile growing space, the first step is to hire a rotavator to break up the ground and prepare it for planting.
Whether you’re a seasoned professional in the garden or a newly inspired amateur hoping to save some money on fresh fruit and veg, using a rotavator is simple and rewarding. Here’s your step-by-step guide to getting your plot ready for growing.
How to Use a Rotavator
1. Mark out the area you intend to use for growing crops. You can mark it out with string, wooden sleepers or fencing if it’s part of a larger plot or garden. The size of your plot will determine whether you hire a small rotavator or an industrial sized one for more ambitious projects.
2. Locate a hire shop. If you’re local to Cork, pop into Macroom Tool Hire and discuss your plans with the friendly team. We have a variety of rotavators for different purposes and will be happy to advise you. Hiring a large piece of equipment is ideal as you can avoid great expense and the hassle of storing it.
3. Prepare the ground. If your soil is especially dry, you’ll need to water it very well, for several hours, a few days before rotavating. Weed the plot in advance as high or freshly cut weeds can get caught in the rotavator’s tines and be spread all over your plot.
4. Hire the machine. Work out how long you’ll need the rotavator for. Most smaller projects will only take an afternoon but if you’re fitting the job in around your work or you’re taking on a large area, for farming, for example, you may find a weekly hire is more economical.
5. Use the machine safely. You must use the rotavator as directed and stay in control of it at all times. Keep your hands and feet away from the machine and consider using ear defenders and protective gloves, too. Stay relaxed and let the rotavator jump when it hits something hard, then guide it back on track.
6. Work methodically. Rotavate the land in strips and pass over each strip two or three times, overlapping slightly with the previous strip as you go. Dig down only two or three inches on the first pass and then dig more deeply as you cover the strip again. Repeat the process at right angles to the original strips to ensure thorough coverage.
7. Enjoy the fruits of your labours! That’s it, you’re done. Just return the rotavator to the hire shop and get on with planting your crops. Remember that the use of thick plastic sheeting to block the light will help to prevent weeds from reappearing and give your plants a head start.
Hire a Rotavator in Cork
Macroom Tool Hire have the perfect rotavator to transform your garden or plot and get it ready for growing. Pop into your local store, book your hire online or call the helpful team now on 026 42133.