Luscious Lawns: Perfect Lawns Made Easy
Whether you love the wild look or you’re a fan of regulation stripes, caring for your lawn is a thorny area for most keen gardeners. To re-seed or not to re-seed? That is the question… Well, it’s just one of the questions! Raking, aerating and mowing are also controversial subjects when you’re on a mission to have the best looking lawn on the block.
Don’t despair, though, it doesn’t have to be hard work getting your lawn looking great. Here at Macroom Tool Hire, we love making life easier for you and we’ve been busy preparing an easy checklist for low maintenance lawn care. Be sure to check out our September 2015 Special Offers on the Husqvarna TC142 RIDE ON
How To Care For Your Lawn The Easy Way
1. Different grasses. Firstly, consider what type of grass you want your lawn to be made up of. Tougher grasses, like Ryegrass, will be ideal for areas that need to be hardwearing and withstand a lot of foot traffic. If you want an ornamental lawn, you’ll need to choose seed mixtures of fine grasses.
2. Seed or turf? If you’re starting from scratch and creating a new lawn, you may want to seed the area and wait for the lawn to grow. This will take several months, during which time you will need to keep off the sown area, so it is more suitable for areas where you can create alternative pathways to avoid damage. For a more instant option, you could lay turf – rolls of cut topsoil pre-grown with grass. Turfed areas still need gentle treatment for a while, and plenty of watering to help the grass to take root, but this will be much quicker than growing from seed.
3. Watering. Don’t forget to water your lawn regularly, ensuring that it doesn’t dry out or become waterlogged. It’s best to water at night if the weather is hot, to avoid scorching the grass if the water evaporates in the heat. A sprinkler system with a timer makes watering much less time-consuming!
4. Mowing. The first few times you cut your new grass, don’t cut it too short. Set the blades high to begin with, especially in the heat of summer so that the grass will retain moisture. Longer grass will also be hardier when the whether cools. Choose a lawnmower that suits your lawn size and pop your cuttings onto your compost heap to give it a great nitrogen boost!
5. Routine care. Your lawn will need regular weeding and twice-yearly feeding to look its best. Use a scarifier on your lawn frequently to avoid a build up of debris and moss collecting on the surface of your grass, which will prevent light, water and nutrients from getting to the roots.
Gardening Tools and Equipment in Ireland
Visit Macroom Tool Hire and Sales for everything you need to get your garden looking great. For everything from buckets to lawnmowers, we have a great range of products for sale or hire. Call in to Macroom, near Cork, browse online or call us on 026 42133 today.
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