FOR ALL OF YOUR CHAINSAW NEEDS: We repair chainsaws as well as edging chainsaw chains.
Chain Sharpening Service

In-store: From €10 (inc. vat)
By Post: From €15 (inc. vat)
In-store: We have a professional chain sharpening machine.
By Post: Pop your chain in a jiffy bag (or a strong envelope), send it to us at: Macroom Tool Hire and Sales, Codrum, Macroom, Co. Cork – and we will expertly sharpen it and return it to you. If your chain is too far gone to sharpen we will let you know. Cost of sharpening a chain and returning it to you, of course is €15.
Either print the form below (or just use use a sheet of paper with your details on it) and return it with your chain or chains sending payment with your order or alternatively tick a box on the form below if you wish for us to contact you by phone in order to make your payment via Credit Card on a secure line over the phone. Any queries, please phone us on 026-42133.

Coarse sawdust signifies that your chainsaw is still sharp.
Chainsaws are high performance, precision wood cutting machines. When a chain is working well, the saw will cut easily, requiring very little force from yourself. The saw must always produce large chips of wood (never saw dust). The time to file the chain is when you need to push the chain to make it cut. If you at this point examine the cutting edge of the chain, it may appear sharp (this is not good enough). IT MUST BE RAZOR SHARP. If you can see a line of light on the cutting edge THIS IS BLUNT!!!