Get Set for Gardening this Spring
Spring is fast approaching and it won’t be long before gardens all over Cork are “spring”-ing into life, so now is as good a time as any to take an inventory of the contents of your garden shed and make sure the required gardening tools and equipment are all present and ready for the year ahead.
Most people can carry out garden maintenance with the help of a few soil tilling tools such as spades, forks and rakes. In many cases the only gardening machinery required is likely to be their lawnmower and the lawnmower, like the hand tools, should be checked for any obvious problems. In fact lawnmowers often see more use each year than soil-tilling tools so there are many reasons to consider having your lawnmower serviced in preparation for the coming year and we here at Macroom Tool Hire & Sales would be happy to take care of that for you. Our lawnmower serving rates are very reasonable and our experience is second to none.
Are Your Gardening Tools still in a Serviceable Condition?
The chances are that, if you have stored your tools correctly (cleaned and oiled and out of the weather), your hand tools will probably be good to go when you are ready to start exercising those green fingers, but it never hurts to check.
Garden Forks
The handle be firmly attached and the tines should be free from rust with no bends or missing tips. If rust is a problem a few minutes spent in the company of some emery paper will soon have your fork showing its mettle once again.
Garden Spades
Along with forks, garden spades are probably one of the most important gardening tools. The blade should be free from rust and, if last year’s gardening has dulled its working edge, the spade should be placed in a vice and the bottom of the blade restored by a few firm strokes of a hand file or grinder.
Garden Rakes & Hoes
Once again, the handles need to be firm, and any working edges should be clean and sharp, and free from bends or kinks.
Garden shears should also be clean and the blades need to be sharp and straight and well lubricated. Or why not consider up-grading to a HUSQVARNA HEDGETRIMMER and get your hedge in tip-top condition in a fraction of the time it takes using hand shears.
Help with the Bigger Jobs
If you have a larger than average-size garden, or are planning a big project later in the year, now is also the time to start considering the best way to complete the project and what tools will be necessary for the job. Will a large area of ground need to be dug over? If so, are you dreading it and have you considered rotavator hire as a means of lightening the workload? Our rotavator hire rates are very reasonable. They start at just €40 per day for a Honda petrol-powered rotavator and, with our generous weekend hire rates, the same rotavator can be hired from Friday evening (16:00) to Monday morning (09:00) for the same low price.
Or are you thinking of a much bigger task, such as digging a large pond or maybe adding a pool? If so our JCB hire rates are also very reasonable, starting at €105 per day for a 1 tonne mini-digger. So if you are looking to hire a JCB or rotavator in Cork, or any other labour-saving gardening device, why pop in and see us at Macroom Tool Hire & Sales, Codrum, Macroom Co. Cork, or give us a call on 026-42133.